We custom make commercial quality vinyl address numbers. Choose from the font styles listed below.
Standard colors are white, black gold and silver. If you have another color in mind, please ask. White shows up the best at night on a black post. Most of our signs use 2.7 to 3-inch size numbers. Numbers on the sides of the box are usually 2.5 to 3 inches tall and numbers on the door of the box are 1.25 inches tall. Price is as follows:

Address signs – no additional charge for numbers. Numbers are included in the price of the sign.
One side of box – $10
Both sides of box – $19
Door of box – $5

We also offer 2- and 3-inch brass and stainless-steel numbers. Numbers are price per each.
2” brass or stainless-steel – $5.00 each
3” brass or stainless-steel – $6.00 each

